Circuits of Minas Gerais
Minas Gerais is the land of caves, gold, precious stones, farms, villages, hills, mountains, rivers, waterfalls and people: the former explorers, the revolutionaries, great writers. In order to discover the particularities of the state, its municipalities were grouped in circuits which highlight the several regional identities of the state according to their cultural, historical and social-economic similarities. It has happened since the beginning of the last century, with the setting of the Waters, Gold and Diamond Circuits - the oldest; the tourist is, nowadays, able to get to know the richness of the state, presented in over 50 official circuits and numberless of personalized tours of which the stunning nature and old traditions still make the people from Minas Gerais proud and are, too, responsible to enchanting visitors from all over the world.

The Gold Circuit
The Gold Cycle, from the late 17th century to the late 18th century, was one of the richest periods of the Brazilian history. In the regions of the gold,...
3 Days GT-crm-001See Tour
Paraopeba Natural Paths Circuit
The astonishing and privileged nature of mineral richness of the region
attracted indians, explorers, merchants, colonizers and many other Brazilians.
Nowadays, it also attracts many tourists enchanted by the beautiful
mountainous landscape, valleys, rivers, falls and abundant water. Among
the main cultural patrimonies, there are the invaluable Inhotim, historical
monuments – such as old farms whose doors are open to a striking rural
experience, gastronomical festivals, musical, religious and crafted traditions.
Everything permeated by the outstanding hospitality from Minas Gerais.

Country living with good food and Art Contemporary
This tour joins spaces whose cultural and natural patrimonies reflect landscapes, historical moments and absolutely different concepts, in an experience ...
2 Days GT-crm-002See Tour

Contemporary Art with Gourmet Experience, Rural and Ecological
This tour joins spaces whose cultural and natural patrimonies reflect landscapes, historical moments and absolutely different concepts, in an experience ...
2 Days GT-crm-003See Tour

Adventure, Rural Leisure and Contemporary Art
This tour joins spaces whose cultural and natural patrimonies reflect landscapes, historical moments and absolutely different concepts, in an experience ...
3 Days GT-crm-004See Tour
Water circuit
The official recognition of the therapeutic potential of the thermal spring resorts of Minas Gerais, specially Araxá, Cambuquira, Caxambu, Lambari, Poços de Caldas and São Lourenço took place throughout the 19th century, based on the European model – in France, as an example, the Vichy resort was created by Napoleon, the 3rd. The thermal spring resorts of Minas Gerais came into existence around the last quarter of the 19th century, and hosted, among other very important people, the Brazilian Emperor, Pedro,the 2nd and Princess Isabel. The practice of hydrotherapy has to do with the therapeutic use of natural resources, such as the climate, the environment and the water, to the benefit of people´s welfare. Besides the richness of its water resources, the Water Tourist Circuit also enchants its visitors with the production of some of the world´s finest coffees, as well as wonderful mountainous landscape, eco-tourism and delicacies of its local cuisine.

Coffee Farms and Thermal Spring Resorts
This tour enchants and harmonizes with all senses, whether it is by the viewing of the striking landscape of the Mantiqueira mountain chain, by the contact...
3 Days GT-crm-005See Tour
Canastra Circuit
The Canastra Circuit is located in south-west Minas Gerais, in a region of cerrado, one of the Brazilian´s richest biome. Still abundant in fresh water, it concentrates dams and wonderful waterfalls with natural pools of crystal water. The Canastra mountain chain is the home of a national park whose creation aimed at protecting the São Francisco river spring. Animals, such as red-legged siriemas, owls, caracaras, toucans, pampas deer, giant anteaters, Brazilian wolves and giant armadillos are likely to be found there. The flora of the Brazilian cerrado holds over 20,000 (twenty thousand) species of plants as well as over 2,500 (two thousand five hundred) species of animals, the world´s second largest group. Also, the cuisine of Minas Gerais is represented by various sweets, cakes, cheese bread, and specially, by the Canastra cheese – a national heritage.

Nature Tour at Serra da Canastra
This tour reveals the beauties of the Cerrado biome. The astounding landscape of the Canastra mountain chain and the main attractions of its nationa...
5 Days GT-crm-006See Tour
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